Human Resources, Union/Labor Relations and Personnel Expertise

Braun Consulting Group Links Resources Page
Human Resources Links and Services:
Employment Law Information Network - includes categorized links to employment law articles, personnel policies and forms, statute and regulation text, and a discussion forum
Society for Human Resource Management
Ascentis - Human Resources Software - HR Management - HRIS Software
The creators of HROffice Human Resource Software. We provide an Integrated Human Resources Software package for small to medium-sized businesses.
http://www.HRIS-Software.net/ - HR Software, focusing on small to medium sized companies.
Human Resources Career Training
Helps you find a human resources training school to address your educational and career needs.
Johnston Law Office
Employment Lawyer - Wrongful Termination Attorney, Los Angeles & Riverside California
Small Business Consulting
Offers small business consulting, strategic internet marketing and strategy planning services online.
TheSoftwareNetwork - Directory of HR Software
The Software Network is a comprehensive online directory of business software & enterprise software solutions. Search, research & contact hundreds of top software solutions from one location.
Apex Business Software
Offers a variety of software products that empower your organization to manage employees, leave, FMLA, benefits, and equipment. Try our products free for 30 days.
Clearance Jobs
Security Clearance Jobs: intelligence, federal government, homeland security, government jobs.
NBRI Employee Survey
NBRI specializes in the design, development, deployment, and reporting associated with employee surveys and organizational assessments.
Checkpoint HR - HR Software
A leading mid-market HR, Payroll Software and Benefits Outsourcing service company offering human resources, payroll outsourcing and benefits administration services.
Criminal Background Check
DataCheck, Inc., a full service pre-employment history background screening company assists hiring managers, business owners, and human resources departments make sound hiring decisions.
International Employee Benefit Survey
ER Limited offers the best international human resource, employee benefit & compensation, salary survey & expatriate services.
Staffing Software, Recruiting Software
Automated Business Designs features applicant tracking staffing software and recruiting software.

Labor Links and Resources:
Labor Law Poster Service for State, Federal & OSHA Compliance
State, Federal & OSHA Labor Law Compliance Poster Service, including minimum wage, EEOC, FMLA, USERRA, and other mandatory postings. All in one, updated, complete, and laminated.
Labor Management Consulting Firm, Labor & Industrial Relations Management Training - Burke Group.
The Burke Group [TBG], is the nation's largest full service MANAGEMENT consulting firm specializing in LABOR RELATIONS. We provide comprehensive guidance and training to all levels of management leadership in the Americas and Europe.
U.S. Department of Labor
BPubs.com: Labor Relations Articles
An extensive collection of business articles and publications related to Labor Relations.
Employment Law Information Network
Employment law reference site for lawyers and human resource professionals. Articles, forms, policies and discussion forum on topics including age, race, and sex discrimination, sexual harassment, family and medical leave, employment at-will, wrongful termination, restrictive covenants, WARN and wage and hour.
Workplace Violence and Bullying at Work Overview - an information site about workplace violence. A report for a university all about the psychology and stats, facts, etc behind workplace violence.
National Institute for the Prevention of Workplace Violence, Inc.
The Institute is one of the nation's leading organizations specializing in developing initiatives to prevent workplace violence.

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