Personnel & Labor Relations
Human Resources, Union/Labor Relations and Personnel Expertise
1996 "Union Corporate Campaign"
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Braun Consulting is providing Employers a Policy of Preparedness.

1.) Did you know that the AFL-CIO will increase their organizing budget from $2.5 million annual budget for organizing to at least $20 million to bolster its six year-old Organizing Institute and supplement organizing efforts by individual unions in an effort to organize Employers of all size. Editors of the Nation's Business, The Small Business Adviser said in their Editor's Note page of the February 1996 issue,"Owners and managers of even the smallest companies should be on the alert as labor implements its activist strategy."
2.) Did you know that a Union can salt your workforce with Union plants and it is legal so said the Supreme Court in an unanimous decision.
3.) The Union's new organizing tool is the Corporate Campaign, described by some as "economic terrorism."
The Facts:
4.) John Sweeney, President of the AFL-CIO and former President of the SEIU, in his interview with Nation's Business said, "We will organize small businesses as well as big businesses. We plan to organize in every region of the country, (with) additional resources in the Sun Belt. We will be training 1,000 new organizers over the course of the next year and half, and we will be enlisting 1,000 students and volunteer workers next summer (1996) to supplement the organizing work and to build up a high degree of visibility for the organizing campaign".
(Tip: print out a copy of this page for reference, you may need it later!)
5.) There are certain things that you should do to be prepared in advance for a
union organizing campaign. You must be legally prepared to:
- have non employees leave your business premises,
- be able to deal with outside solicitors and inside employee solicitors,
- leafleting,
- picketing,
- and other disruptive activities. .
6.) You need to be able to recognize the signs of Union Organizing.
7.) If a Union is organizing your employees you need to know what to say, and what you can say to your employees without committing an Unfair Labor Practice.
By the National Labor Relations Act you are restricted from:
- Spying on employees regarding their union activity,
- Making promises to employees to get ride of the union,