Human Resources, Union/Labor Relations and Personnel Expertise
![]() |
Corporate Campaign '97 |
Launches Phase Two of Union Corporate Campaign in Seattle on March 26th |
More Militant Unionism.." AFL-CIO plans aggressive organizing tactics |
organizing effort described by some as "economic terrorism." |
The Facts.." about being prepared for organizing efforts |
Prepared To Operate During A Union Corporate Campaign: Braun offers a solid plan |
View On Union Corporate Campaign '96 by Michael Manning |
Training Workshops now available in Seattle, or at your own location. |
Of Page / E-mail Box Contact Braun for effective answers and solutions |
Sweeney Launches Phase Two of Union Corporate
in Seattle on March 26th!
AFL-CIO president John Sweeney kicked off the first of 13 union organizing conferences across the nation with his address in Seattle on Wednesday, March 26th. Sweeney promises to bring the type of successful expansion effort to the union federation that he did in his previous job, where he doubled the size of the Service Employees International Union during his tenure.
The AFL-CIO has already set aside $10 million, a third of the union's budget, to push for new members, according to spokeswoman Deborah Dion. "There was no money for organizing" before Sweeney took charge of the union, said Dion. Now there is plenty of money available, and a new attitude. Sweeney became president in Oct. '95.
The message he is expected to take to union locals around the
country is that they should follow his lead and earmark money, hire
organizers and get to work.
Braun Consulting is providing Employers a Policy of Preparedness.
"A More Militant Unionism.."
AFL-CIO plans aggressive organizing tactics
The following is quoted from the Seattle P-I newspaper, March 26th, 1997.
"Sweeney envisions a more militant unionism, of corporate campaigns and boycotts, of unions with political influence in the New Deal, social-democratic tradition. He dreams especially of labor powerful enough once again to 'take wages, benefits and working conditions out of market competition,' says Glenn Goldstein, executive vice president of District 1199-NW of the Service Employees."
and there's more:
"Last year, 50 students signed up for Margaret Levi's labor course at the Univeristy of Washington: this year it drew more than 100. 'A whole bunch of them are awaiting eagerly to sign up' to work with unions over the summer, says Levi, who holds the Harry Bridges chair in political science. 'It's reaching the students, a group that the union movement had not been reaching for a very long time.'"
(end of P-I quote.)
This summer the money allocated for union corporate campaign organizing will start to show its effect. Students and others will be hired on, and go to work organizing. Please stay tuned for more developments!
Braun will stay up to the minute on developments and provide
them to you, either here or via e-mail. Just contact us and find out
how we can help.
Braun Consulting is providing Employers a Policy of Preparedness.
AFL-CIO organizing effort
described by some as "economic terrorism."
1.) Did you know that the AFL-CIO will increase their organizing budget from $2.5 million annual budget for organizing to at least $20 million to bolster its six year-old Organizing Institute and supplement organizing efforts by individual unions in an effort to organize Employers of all size. Editors of the Nation's Business, The Small Business Adviser said in their Editor's Note page of the February 1996 issue,"Owners and managers of even the smallest companies should be on the alert as labor implements its activist strategy."
2.) Did you know that a Union can salt your workforce with Union plants and it is legal so said the Supreme Court in an unanimous decision.
3.) The Union's new organizing tool is the Corporate
Campaign, described by some as "economic terrorism."
4.) John Sweeney, President of the AFL-CIO and former President of the SEIU, in his interview with Nation's Business said, "We will organize small businesses as well as big businesses. We plan to organize in every region of the country, (with) additional resources in the Sun Belt. We will be training 1,000 new organizers over the course of the next year and half, and we will be enlisting 1,000 students and volunteer workers next summer (1996) to supplement the organizing work and to build up a high degree of visibility for the organizing campaign".
(Tip: print out a copy of this page for reference, you may need it later!)
5.) There are certain things that you should do to be
prepared in advance for a
union organizing campaign. You must be legally prepared to:
6.) You need to be able to recognize the signs of Union Organizing.
7.) If a Union is organizing your employees you need to
know what to say, and what you can say to your employees without
committing an Unfair Labor Practice.
By the National Labor Relations Act you are restricted from:
The National Labor Relations Act allows you
8.) Although you do not have total control of a Union
Corporate Campaign you can be prepared - as you are prepared for
a fire.
Braun Consulting is providing Employers a Policy of Preparedness.
A View On Union Corporate Campaign '96
by Michael Manning
Michael Manning, of Braun Consulting, and formerly Labor Relations Director with Hillhaven negotiated agreements with the SEIU in California for 10 years without strikes and without Corporate Campaigns; then in 1995 the SEIU declared 1995 "The Year of the Nursing Home" and started a Corporate Campaign against Hillhaven and many of the larger companies in the long term care convalescent care industry.
At the same time Vencor acquired Hillhaven. SEIU's main negotiating demand at the table since July of 1995 has been card check recognition. By this method of recognition an employer agrees with a Union that the employer will recognize a union by reviewing cards the union presents management signed by a majority of employees. If a majority of employees have signed a card making the union their representative for purposes of bargaining for wages, hours and working conditions then the union is recognized without an election conducted by the National Labor Relations Board.
During Manning's 10 year tenure with Hillhaven Hillhaven's Union facilities shrunk from 40 to 25 in the state of California. The Union said this doesn't make sense why don't we get card check recognition and go after Hillhaven's over 300 non-union facilities nationwide. Manning has seen all aspects of a corporate campaign.
Manning says,
Braun Consulting is providing Employers a Policy of Preparedness.
Being Prepared To Operate During A Union Corporate
Braun offers a "Policy of Preparedness"
The Workshop on:
will cover the following topics -
4.) Consult with you and Answer your first PR
attack by the Union We will prepare the message designed for the one
public relations target you choose to respond to.
(You would pay for the medium.)
5.) Consult with you and Answer your first Unfair Labor Charge filed by the Union.
6.) This Preparedness contract will be in effect during the Summer of 1996 through December 1996. One designated member of your management will have telephone access with your Braun Consultants during the contract term.
Special Training Workshops now available in Seattle,
or at your own location.
Bob Braun of Braun Consulting
Group said,
"This is one of those activities the Chief Executive Officer must
know about,
and be prepared to meet and beat the Union's Campaign because the
existence of the Company depends on the prepardedness of Management."
will be held in the exclusive Washington Athletic Club,
or at a location of your choice.
Please contact us at Braun Consulting Group for the next available workshop or to schedule your own..
Upon receipt of your inquiry you will be sent a questionnaire regarding your company and the type of employees you employ so we may make the workshop specific to your organization.
We will also send you information on travel arrangements and hotels near the location and other information on Seattle so that you will have a pleasant stay in Seattle, the jewel of the Northwest.
Braun Consulting is providing Employers a Policy of Preparedness.
For more information about Braun Consulting
Group or our new
Corporate Campaign "Policy of Preparedness" program,
please contact us here at
Contact Braun-BCG
Thank you for your interest in Braun Consulting Group.
(Tip: print out a copy of this page for reference, you may need it later!)
© 1997 Braun Consulting Group
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