![]() No. 1 Summer 2002 ![]() ![]() Cell Phone Liability ![]() E-mail Usage Update ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Cell phone litigation is one of the new types of litigation springing up all around the country. Whenever there is a vehicle or other type of accident and a cell phone is involved you can bet a law suit may not be far away.
If an employer provides cellular phones, or if cellular phone use is a necessary part of a job, then that employer can be liable for problems created by their employee's use of cell phones while driving or otherwise working for the employer.
Even if employees are not officially on company business, and in some cases not even making a business call, employers can still be held liable if an accident involves a cell phone provided or permitted by the employer.
Some States, Cities and Counties are enacting their own "negligent driving" laws relating to, among other things, cell phone use while driving in a vehicle. Since laws are different in different areas, and new laws being enacted on a regular basis, employers are often creating policies that universally cover any situations involving use of cell phones related to company business or on company time.
And, don't forget that employer's also have a duty under most all state safety laws as well as OSHA to take proper steps and establish policies that insure worker safety. That includes safe use of cell phones.
There is some validity to the concern for cell phone use while driving or working.
A 1997 study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine indicates that drivers are four times more likely to have an automobile accident while using a cell phone...even if it is one of the "hands free" type of phone.
With the current climate as it is, many employers are implementing cell phone policies. We will cover some of those in this article.
Some of the cases recently involving liability issues and cell phone use have had settlements for large amounts of money. Consider the following:
Mr. Tarone maintained that he was on the phone making "cold calls" when the accident occurred. Since other employee's testified that making "cold calls" on personal time (and even on a personal cell phone) was often expected of a stockbroker in order to contact hard to reach individuals, his employer was held by the plaintiff to have been liable.
The company believed that it could defeat the plaintiff's vicarious liability claim by showing that the employee was not acting within the scope of his employment at the time of the accident. However, the plaintiff also alleged that the firm was negligent when it encouraged employees to use cell phones without training them on the potential hazards and risks.
The firm decided to avoid the potential risk that an impassioned jury might make in a judgement, and awarded the victim's family a $500,000 settlement to assure that it would have a guaranteed cut-off on damages. No legal judgement was made in this case, but clearly a messy legal battle could have ensued from this large gray area of laws and liabilities concerning cell phone use by a company employee who had an accident while on the phone.
In this case a good written policy along with a procedure outlining safe operation of the cell phone would have strengthened defendants position that it was not liable.
Some notable points on employer liability involving the use of cell phones are listed below:
Considering all of the evidence we have presented here it should be clear by now that any company in which employee's use cell phones should have a clear policy and documented training.
Below are some liability considerations and examples of elements of existing cell phone policies:
It has become increasingly important for employers to establish a firm policy on cell phone usage related to employment.
Litigation in this area will only increase.
Even though there is no guaranteed defense to liability in any situation, an employer with a strong cell phone policy will be in a far better position legally than the employer who has no policy.
And finally, not only should there be a policy, but it should be documented, disseminated and strictly enforced.
Please Note:
Since we originally published this article we have been contacted by a
company by the name of "Hands free for you". They produce a device that
works with your cell phone such that many of the dangers of cell phone
use are reduced. This is accomplished by making the process of using
the cell phone a voice only activity. We have not used the device but
have added this link so our clients and friends have an opportunity to
learn about voice activated devices. 2. Internet E-mail Usage Update