button Vol. 10
No. 1

line INSIDE line

Employers & the Health Care Crisis
line Independent Contractor Conundrum
line DOL Survey on FMLA
line Domestic Violence & Workplace Bullying
line Employer Briefs

Braun Consulting News
News on Personnel, Labor Relations and Benefits

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Top Braun Consulting Group Summer 2007
    HR and Labor Relations Newsletter

Graphic  Employers & the Health Care Crisis
The election results in November of 2006 signaled a mood for change across this nation, and the continuing health care crisis ranked high in concerns for voters and employers. According to "Americans for Health Care" a poll conducted by Lake Research Partners found that health care was a top issue for voters across the country and was a powerful issue in deciding the outcome of the mid-term elections ...read more.

Graphic  Independent Contractor Conundrum
According to a Government Accountability Office report, almost a third of the entire U.S. workforce is comprised of "contingent workers" as of 2005. (42.6 million) - Government labor statistics do not specifically track independent contractors but instead group them with all contingent workers, including the staffing industry and temporary help ...read more.

Graphic  DOL Survey on FMLA - Comments Duly Noted
On June 28th the Department of Labor released its "report on comments from the public" regarding the Family Medical Leave Act. The report was based on 15,000 comments it received over a three-month period from workers, employers and policy experts in response to its Request for Information published in December of 2006 ...read more.

Graphic  Domestic Violence and Workplace Bullying
In this article we will focus on two different aspects of workplace violence: domestic violence and workplace bullying. Both of these areas of workplace violence are problematic because the outward signs are often more subtle and harder to detect than other forms of violence. Responding appropriately to them can be difficult as well. Domestic violence and workplace bullying often aren't as dramatic as other forms of violence like shootings or physical violence on the jobsite, but their impact on people and the costs to employers can be insidious...read more.

Graphic  Employer Briefs: Human Resources Updates

As an employer, if you have any questions or concerns about
human resources or labor relations issues relating to your
workplace please contact us at Braun Consulting Group.

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