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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This article is a handy guide with 50 helpful tips in one place for a quick review and refresher about violence in the workplace. These are compiled from some of the tips we have suggested over the years regarding violence in the workplace. And to begin, here's a great tip to minimize workplace violence - If you need to get information, an overhaul, or upgrade of your "Workplace Violence Policy" please feel free to contact Braun Consulting Group for more information by contacting us at our contact form located here. Braun Consulting Group spends thousands of dollars a year in maintaining an "up to the minute" knowledge base of important areas of human resources. Bob Braun studies case histories and real life events of these important issues. If you need real world, experienced help with workplace violence issues, Now, on to the rest of the tips.
Here are 20 good tips to help prevent violence at work - especially if parking in a multilevel garage or entering or leaving your company premises after dark. 1. When approaching your vehicle, always watch for persons who look inappropriate for conditions. 2. Have your car keys in hand when approaching your vehicle. 3. If a person gets near your vehicle causing concern, turn around and walk away. 4. Before entering your vehicle, look through the windows to see if all appears normal. 5. After entering your vehicle, immediately lock all doors. 6. Always keep your vehicle's doors locked when you are away from it. 7. When possible, try to avoid parking your vehicle in unlighted, isolated areas. 8. If you become a car-jacking victim, give up your vehicle and get out quickly. 9. If you are bumped from the rear while driving in an isolated area, drive to the nearest well-lighted area where there are other people and call for assistance. Use a cell phone if you have one. 10. Always carry a cellular telephone if possible. 11. Try to walk to and from your vehicle with other persons going in your direction. 12. Do not leave packages or valuables of any kind in open view in your vehicle. 13. Place packages and valuables in your trunk before reaching your parking destination. 14. After parking your vehicle, look around before you exit the vehicle. 15. If you become a victim of an attack, attempt to make as much commotion as possible so that you attract attention. (Scream, honk your horn etc.) 16. If you feel insecure or unsafe about walking to your car alone, as for an escort. 17. Report incidents to security and the police if warranted or in doubt. 18. Consider attaching a loud whistle to your key chain so you can us it if necessary. 19. Exercise common sense, and be aware of your surroundings, no matter where you are.
20. Have a plan in place to deal with a violent situation if it should occur.
Effective violence policies are one of the most important steps you can take in preventing or responding to situations of violence in the workplace. Here are 15 tips to review - 1. Implement a "Zero Tolerance Workplace Violence Policy". 2. Your policy should strictly prohibit employees, as well as anyone else on company premises or engaged in a company-related activity (including customers and visitors), from behaving in a violent or threatening manner. 3. The policy should include reporting and investigation procedures. 4. Any incident of violence, even threats of violence, should be against your policy. 5. Implement a strict no-weapons policy. (And enforce it unequivocally.) 6. Employees should be required to report all violent behaviors to management. 7. Make sure any receptionist is given instruction to call coworkers and use a code word if potentially dangerous individuals come to the reception area. 8. Schedule in an hour or two to learn about this, or take a few minutes and contact Braun Consulting Group for some answers to your questions. 9. Regularly train your managers to recognize the warning signs of violence and to defuse potentially violent situations. 10. Get the possibilities and a plan for action out in the open during periodic employee meetings. 11. Publicly acknowledge that staff is working to maintain a safe working environment. 12. During training, cultivate a spirit of cooperation and awareness between workers in any reception area. 13. Have well-defined and specific procedures prepared for responses to any incident of workplace violence. 14. Conduct routine analysis, evaluation and maintenance of safety features in and around the workplace, possibly including surveillance cameras, metal detectors, alarms, additional lighting, multiple exits, security guards, escorts, and visitor check in procedures. 15. Realize that being prepared is the first step to avoiding the negative consequences of violence, should it occur. It is well worth the effort!
Employer liability is an ever-widening issue relating to violence in the workplace. Here are 15 tips to lessen that liability, as well as provide for a safer workplace for all. 1. Respond promptly to all reported threats of violence or weapons on the premises. 2. Investigate all reports of harassment and other abusive conduct immediately. 3. Seek advice from appropriate persons within the organization (or call Braun Consulting Group) whenever unusual circumstances arise. 4. Conduct investigations and counseling sessions discreetly. 5. Suppress any defamatory rumors. 6. Take action to prevent and correct all forms of harassment. Have a clear policy prohibiting harassment. 7. Follow up with the victims of harassment. Advise them of corrective action taken and encourage them to report any future misconduct or retaliation. 8. Remove employees impaired by the effects of drugs or alcohol from the work area and provide them with safe transportation home. Don't let them drive! 9. Encourage employees to work with each other and to talk out their problems. 10. Screen all job applicants thoroughly. Investigate their backgrounds and follow up on reports of any inappropriate conduct. 11. Train management and employees to recognize the signs of domestic violence 12. Make informational pamphlets on abuse available in private places such as restrooms 13. Offer affected employees flex time 14. Establish extra security or warnings to employees once someone reveals a threat 15. Let victims know they will not lose their job simply for disclosing the abusive
If you review these tips and follow up on them you will greatly reduce the probability of violence in your workplace. Here on our website we have numerous articles and special reports on violence in the workplace. They are here to help you learn about this subject and get some concrete suggestions and ideas about how to prevent violence or to respond to it. If you need any help in this area of violence in the workplace, feel free to contact us at Braun Consulting Group to find out how we can help. Just click here to go to our contact form and send us a message or give us a call.