Special Feature!
Workplace Violence
Rears Its Ugly Head
Domestic Violence
and Workplace Violence
Types of
Workplace Violence
Some Trends in
Prevention Measures
Acronyms and Workplace Violence
Summary: Some Other
Preventative Measures
Tips on Preventing
Workplace Violence
Violence in the Workplace:
"A Loaded Gun at the Head of the Employer" - Page 4
Tips on Preventing Workplace Violence
These are good tips to use yourself, or share with your employees - especially if parking in a multilevel garage or entering or leaving your company premises after dark.
- When approaching your vehicle, always watch for persons who look inappropriate for conditions.
- Have your car keys in hand when approaching your vehicle.
- If a person gets near your vehicle causing concern, turn around and walk away.
- Before entering your vehicle, look through the windows to see if all appears normal.
- After entering your vehicle, immediately lock all doors.
- Always keep your vehicle's doors locked when you are away from it.
- When possible, try to avoid parking your vehicle in unlighted, isolated areas.
- If you become a car-jacking victim, give up your vehicle and get out quickly.
- If you are bumped from the rear while driving in an isolated area, drive to the nearest well-lighted area where there are other people and call for assistance. Use a cell phone if you have one.
- Always carry a cellular telephone if possible.
- Try to walk to and from your vehicle with other persons going in your direction.
- Do not leave packages or valuables of any kind in open view in your vehicle.
- Place packages and valuables in your trunk before reaching your parking destination.
- After parking your vehicle, look around before you exit the vehicle.
- If you become a victim of an attack, attempt to make as much commotion as possible so that you attract attention. (Scream, honk your horn etc.)
- If you feel insecure or unsafe about walking to your car alone, as for an escort.
- Report incidents to security and the police if warranted or in doubt.
- Consider attaching a loud whistle to your key chain so you can us it if necessary.
- Exercise common sense, and be aware of your surroundings, no matter where you are.
(Ideas courtesy of the WA. Employment Law Letter)
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