Vol. 5 No. 1 Spring 1999

General Handbook Waivers - Tread Lightly! - Page 1 -
Work Place Tips - Short Reminders - Page 2 -
You Can Prevent Liability From Workplace Conflicts - Page3 -
Audits May Help Prevent Law Suits - Page 4 -
UPS - Follow up Report, One Year After The Strike...?? - Page 5 -
Some Tips on Benefits - Page 6 -
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Work Place Tips - Short Reminders |
Workplace Video Surveillance
- Employees must know exactly which areas are under observation.
- The cameras should be in plain view, or disclosed to employees.
- Have a written policy setting out which areas are under surveillance and which supervisors are authorized to view surveillance tapes. Make the policy as restrictive as possible in the viewing of tapes.
- You should not ask job applicants or candidates questions bearing on their physical and mental health unless the applicant offers up their disability.
- You cannot ask how many sick days a job applicant took at his or her last job.
- Do not ask whether he or she has filed a workers' compensation claim... unless you like to invite trouble.
- In Washington State once a disability is known you should ask if an accommodation is needed.
Perceived disabilities
- The Americans with Disabilities Act, and most state laws, also covers persons who are not actually disabled.
- If people are treated unfairly because an employer perceives them to be disabled. .. even though they are not disabled.
- For example: the ADA would apply to discrimination against a worker who is HIV- positive but has no symptoms of the disease.
Job listings
- Avoid terms that suggest gender or age preferences, including "girl Friday," "entry level, busboy energetic," or "front desk appearance."
Letting An Employee Go
- Make thorough preparations before firing an employee.
- If the employee is surprised, you haven't done your job of giving a warning.
- Don't mix the good with the bad.
- Don't talk about the situation - no matter how the employee attempts to egg you into it.
- Be ready to be angry..(and don't be).
- Call for a phone conference to help you prepare for the meeting with the employee.
You Can Prevent Liability  From Workplace Conflicts